590-594 High Road Leyton – Planning Application

Planning Application Number: 2011/0870

A developer has lodged another planning application for this landmark site at the junction of High Road Leyton and Hainault Road.


  • Erection of a 3 – 5 storey building
  • 286 sqm. B1 office use on the ground floor
  • 23 residential units comprising 1 x 3 bedroom house, 3 x 4 bedroom house and 19 flats (9 x 1 bed and 10 x 2 bed)
  • 3 disabled parking spaces

The planning application is scheduled to be heard by the Planning Committee on 2nd. August

Full details can be found on the Council’s website:


Any comments should be sent to:

The Development Manager, London Borough of Waltham Forest, Sycamore House, Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Road, E17 4JF


Bob Sullivan with local residents at Ive Farm talking to a Guardian reporter

Last week Leyton ward Councillor Bob Sullivan arranged for residents to present their petition to the Mayor.

 The Council is still negotiating turning Ive Farm Playing Field, which they have left derelict, into a campsite for the Olympics.

Oliver Close, Villiers Close and Ive Farm Close residents whose homes back onto the site have objections and organised a protest on the field.

Leyton Ward Councillor Bob Sullivan said:

“It’s now less than two months until the Olympics and the council still can’t give us a decision. This will cause untold disruption if it is allowed to happen and the council need to think again.

 “I’m pleased that residents were able to deliver this petition to the Mayor. The council must now take this issue seriously and listen to residents’ concerns about posting a campsite at Ive Farm in a heavily residential area.”

The Monster awakens!

Many of you will have noticed the building in the picture gradually being built.  It dominates the High Road like some monster overlooking the road.  Some of you may know it as the ‘Outlook’ building.  The estate agents Outlook were the previous users.  Some of you would know of it as ‘Stuffs’  – the material shop used it for many years.

This monster of steel and glass is to become a large block of mainly 1 bed flats.  It is totally out of character with the area and has no parking spaces for its residents, apart from a couple of spaces for people with disabilities. The original plans were thrown out by the Council but was agreed later on appeal.

If we are to regenerate our area, this is not the way to go.  There is a crying need for family houses, not 1 or 2 bed flats.  Long term residents of Leyton have seen family houses continually turned into flats.  This has caused overcrowding, lack of maintenance of front gardens a disregard for the local environment and along with the lack of parking spaces and the increase of traffic, it has changed the area dramatically.

Drapers Field and Marsh Lane – post Olympics plans

Drapers Field - lost to the community for at least 16 months

Drapers Field

A planning application has finally been lodged with the Council for the temporary use of Drapers Field as a service centre/store for the Olympic Village.

The application number is: 2011/0623, and comments can be made online at the Waltham Forest website, or by post to the Planning Officers at the Town Hall.

Local residents have been very concerned about what the Labour Council has in mind for the reinstatement of this historic playing field when it is returned in 2013.

Kinnear Landscape Architects were commissioned to develop improvements, and their plans will be subject to a public consultation event to be held at Drapers Field on Tuesday 14 June, between 3 and 7 pm. Council officers and the design team will be present.

Don’t miss this opportunity of seeing what the Council has in mind, and making your views known.

Marsh Lane

Again, Kinnear Landscape Architects were commissioned to develop improvements, and their plans will be subject to a public consultation event to be held at Marsh Lane on Thursday 16 June, between 2 and 8 pm. Council officers and the design team will be present.

Don’t miss this opportunity of seeing what the Council has in mind, and making your views known.

Exhibition at Leyton Library

If you cannot attend either of these events you can see the proposals at Leyton Library from Friday 17 June until Monday 27 June.

A representative of Kinnear Landscape Architects will be present at the following times:

Drapers Field – 4-6pm on Thursday 23 June

Marsh Lane – 4-6pm on Wednesday 22 June

Residents pack the first meeting of Leyton Residents Ward Forum

Residents at the well-attended meetingPresentation by the Council on Olympic preparations

Over 60 Leyton residents packed the meeting room at the Score Complex on Oliver Road to attend our first Leyton Ward Residents’ Forum meeting on 19th May 2011. This was the first of such meetings following the Labour Councils scrapping of the Community Council meetings.

Items on the agenda included presentations from Council Officers regarding works in the area in preparation for the Olympics and from the local Safer Neighbourhood Team; further information on how to elect a representative from the area onto the Leyton Cricket Ground Management Committee; Suggestions on how to spend £10,000 in the area and an open Q & A session where you could ask your local councillors about anything you like! 

Local Councillors Winnie Smith, Bob Sullivan and Naheed Qureshi were delighted by the huge turnout (much higher than in other wards in the borough) and the positive response from Leyton residents.

Residents should note that we are in the process of collecting YOUR ideas on how to spend £10,000 in the area! If you think you have an idea on how the money can be spent to improve the area or the lives of those living in it and would like to let us know – please contact us immediately!! or collect some forms at Leyton Library and Seddon Centre Clyde Place/Beaumont Road.

We will be discussing this matter further and giving you the opportunity to comment on suggestions received at our next meeting in September!

Finally, if there is anything you would like to see on the agenda of our next meeting please let us know. These meetings are for your benefit and any input from you will be welcome!!

Click below if you want to see the minutes of the meeting –

 Leyton Ward Forum Minutes 19-5-11

Save the Granada (EMD) Cinema

Lib Dem councillors Bob Sullivan and Mahmood Hussain at the Planning meeting

Last week I went along to the Planning Committee as they were due to discuss the UCKG Church’s planning application to turn the old Granada Cinema  in Hoe Street, into a church.  My colleague Councillor Mahmood Khan was due to speak to the committee as his ward includes the cinema.

The Committee normally sits in the Town Hall but was transferred to the nearby Assembly Hall.  A good job too, as hundreds of people from the Church and the local residents turned up and packed the assembly hall.  Hundreds were locked out as there was not any more room inside.

Liberal Democrat councillor Mahmood Hussain told Waltham Forest’s Planning Committee that the council should refuse the planning application submitted by UCKG to turn the EMD Cinema into a religious assembly hall.  He said:

“The key questions can be summarised very simply. Does the proposed development respect the building’s heritage and listed building status? Is the impact on the area and particularly on nearby residents acceptable? Does the proposed development contribute satisfactorily to the regeneration of Walthamstow Town Centre? On all three counts I believe the answer is no.

“This view is shared by an enormous number of local residents. Our borough has hundreds of places of worship of all types and sizes. But it does not have a single cinema. We have clear evidence that the building is potentially viable as a cinema, arts and entertainment venue.

“This would bring new life to the area and stimulate the local economy – unlike the proposal before you. The proposed changes to the building would destroy much of what is special about this unique building, which is one of the oldest, largest and best preserved cinema buildings in the country.

“Residents would suffer from the absence of a proper noise management scheme and from parking problems generated by cars descending on the area from miles away.

“For the sake of Walthamstow please listen to local people, weigh up the planning merits of the case and refuse the application.”

Speaking after the decision to refuse the planning application both I and  Councillor Hussain said we were delighted that the Planning Committee had listened to the arguments put forward by objectors.

“This is good and important news for Walthamstow Town Centre but it is only one step forward. Following two planning refusals and endless discussion we hope UKCG will now abandon their plan. We must allow those who are able to bring the cinema back into use the chance to realise the cinema’s true potential.”

Plans for 590-594 High Road Leyton – REFUSED

Artist impression looking towards Bakers Arms

The plans to convert the corner of Leyton High Road and Hainault Roadinto flats etc.  has been refused by the Council’s Planning Department.  The planners say that the developments design, height and bulk would constitute and over- development of the site, out of character with the street scene and townscape, and would thus be detrimental to the visual amenities of the area.

Of course the developers could appeal or produce another  plan more in keeping with the area.  I will keep you informed of any further developments. 

Residents concern over new plans for Glyn Hopkin Nissan site

New plans for the Glyn Hopkin Nissan car showrooms on the corner of Ruckholt Road and Oliver Road will be considered by the Council’s Planning Committee on the 1st March at the Town Hall Forest Road.

The plans to redevelop the site include a 3 to 6 storey residential development of 116 dwellings – 28 x 1 bed flats, 56 x 2 bed flats, 22 x 3 bed flats and 10 houses fronting Dunedin Road. There will also be some artists studios fronting Oliver Road.  There is basement parking for only 53 cars including 9 disabled spaces.  Vehicle access is from Dunedin Road.

The original plans, which were widely objected to by local residents, were not accepted by the Council.  The new plans are very similar and I am surprised that the Planners have accepted them.  This is an over-development of the site and again has over a hundred flats and minimal parking space.  This area is crying out for family houses not more flats.  Leyton is being flooded with developments of flats with little or, in some cases, no provision for parking.

Parking is a major worry for local residents but their concerns carry no weight when it comes to decisions by the Council.

If any resident is interested in speaking at the Planning Committee, then please telephone Zainab Esmail on 020 8496 6725 before the 1st March. or contact me.


Looking from Leyton High Road towards Bakers Arms

The  pictures are a computer generated impression of the plans submitted to the Council for the development of 590 – 594 Leyton High Road and 1 Hainault Road.  This is the area on the junction of Leyton High Road and Hainault Road.  The pictures show the view from the High Road and the view looking down Hainault Road to the High Road.

View from Hainault Road towards the High Road

The proposal is to build part 5, part 4 and part 2 storey buildings comprising ground floor commercial/retail space and 24 residential units.  The residential units will comprise 7 x 1 bed, 11 x 2 bed, 2 x 3 bed flats and 4 x 3 bed houses.  There will be no parking spaces except for 3 disability parking bays

It seems that the only developments in Leyton are for more and more flats, when the real need for the area is family houses.  The flats that have been built have little or no parking spaces.  Parking in our streets has become virtually impossible.

Below is an objection sent in by a local resident which highlights the reasons why this development should not go ahead.    

The building would be out of place and character with the surrounding area and much greater in scale than the surrounding buildings.The materials in the area are relating to mixed conventions, Georgian, Edwardian and Post War. The proposed use of materials in this development with one part completely mottled red brick finish and the other part a completely buff brick finish does not strike me as an intelligent employment of said materials. 

The proximity and height of the building will reduce the light filter through from the front windows of properties opposite the proposal. 

The Juliette balconies would greatly overlook existing properties opposite. 

Strict controls would have to be adopted in terms of the retail space as hours of business and type of business is not known and has been ticked as such that any type of business and hours could be adopted. 

A major concern would be that an alcohol related business would establish causing Hainault Road area to become a natural congregation area and thus increasing levels of anti social behaviour and crime. 

Hainault Road and indeed all of the surrounding streets are not in a controlled parking zone. There is no residents parking scheme in place.Hainault Road and the surrounding roads are already under severe pressure in terms of parking space as they already take the overflow parking from the social services building located on Leyton High Road and the new police custody suite.The Proposal has 24 residential units with the provision for three disabled parking spaces. I would think this will again increase parking pressure on Hainault Road and the surrounding streets.The proposal has also unspecified ground floor retail which without a doubt will place more pressure on parking in the area  

The proposal is located at a very busy junction and I feel it will have the impact of increasing traffic and congestion, leading to more pollution and making the area less safe for pedestrians. 

I do not believe there is adequate provision for parking. 

The proposal does not meet the appropriate provision for off street parking in accordance with the Waltham Forest Council car parking standards. The area is not within a controlled parking zone. 

There is not much provision for larger families in this development and of the 24 units 18 are to be one and two bed units.There is already an oversupply of this type of housing in the area, and I feel a lot would go directly onto the rental market thus encouraging a more transient population. 

I would direct your attention to the quite similar Tesco development in South Woodford where there was great difficulty in finding business to take up the retail space. 

Any objections to this development need to be sent to the Council by 21st February.  They need to be sent in writing to :

The Development Manager, Sycamore House, Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Road, Walthamstow, E17 4JF 

London City Airport expansion plans

HURRY – two day left to give your views on City Airport expansion plans

Are you affected by flights from London City Airport? Many Leyton and  Leytonstone residents have told the Liberal Democrat Focus Team that they have noticed a difference in the number of noisy flights passing overhead. The flight paths from the airport were changed last year to direct more planes over our area.

Liberal Democrat Cllr Bob Sullivan and the Leyton FOCUS Team are reminding local residents that there are just two days left to complete the London Assembly’s survey into the environmental impacts of the expansion of London City airport. The survey won’t take long to complete but will help ensure that local people’s voices are heard by the London Assembly and Mayor of London.

You can fill in the survey here:

The survey will close on September 30.

Click here (www.london.gov.uk/city-airport) for more information about the investigation into London City Airport being carried out by Lib Dem Assembly member Mike Tuffrey (www.tuffrey.com) and other members of the London Assembly Environment Committee.